Salon du livre de Québec 2012

This year I will have the great pleasure of leaving my office and going out to actually meet my readers. I will be at the SILQ (Salon du livre international de Québec) from Thrusday April 12th to Sunday April 15th. I really look forward to this, and not only because the SILQ is only steps away from the most amazing burger place in all of Quebec city! No, I look forward to seeing how people I don’t know will react to my book. Will they pick it up? Flip through the pages? Perhaps even buy it? I’ve tested out my pens (blue vs. black, ball vs. marker, fine point vs. ultra fine point) and I believe I am ready to face the crowds of adoring fans. Ha!

If you’re in the area, please swing by. I’d love to shake your hand. For a complete schedule of my signing sessions, click here.