Youpi! Youpi! Today is my book birthday. Well, kind of… but not really…
Today is the day that my historical picture book Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War comes out in FRENCH! Isn’t he “trop mignon”? 🙂
Sergent Billy : La vraie histoire du chevreau devenu soldat, is published by Éditions de l’Isatis whom I have had the pleasure of working with in the past with my picture books “Une bestiole à l’école” and “À qui le coco?”. It’s good to be back with such a great team!
So, from this day forward, I can come to your school or event and introduce kids to Billy, in either French or English or (why not!) BOTH!
Also, there is now a teacher’s activity sheet available in French that is available to dowload here: Fiche d’activités Sergent Billy
Au plaisir!