School’s Out!

The 2015-2016 school year is almost out. Some will say “FINALLY”, while others (rarer) will say “ALREADY?”. I say “THANK YOU”!

Thank you to all the teachers, principals, librarians and students I had the pleasure of meeting this school year. I’ve been to 32 schools and met over 4000 kids from all across the province (and one school in Quebec too!). A big shout out to:

École Montessori OMS, Ottawa (ON)12891583_10153425073036825_3255106364682066242_o
John Fisher PS, Toronto (ON)
Maple Ridge PS, Pickering (ON)
École Petit Prince, Gatineau (QC)13423737_10153549187201825_4929822774828872608_n
École Étoile de l’est, Orléans (ON)
École Jeanne-Sauvé, Orléans (ON)
Owen PS, Toronto (ON)
Morse Street PS, Toronto (ON)
Dunlace PS, Toronto (ON)
Keswick PS, Keswick (ON)
E J James PS, Oakville (ON)
Max the Mutt College, Toronto (ON)CVTjheNU8AAf4FH
Duke of Connaught PS, Toronto (ON)
Palmerston PS, Toronto, ON
Doncrest PS, Richmond Hill (ON)
Ridgewood PS, Missisauga (ON)
Levack PS, Levack (ON)
Alexander PS, Sudbury (ON)
Ernie Checkeris PS, Sudbury (ON)
Chelmsford PS, Chelmsford (ON)
Lansdowne PS, Sudbury (ON)IMG_6441
Westmount PS, Sudbury (ON)
Walden PS, Sudbury (ON)
Rosedale PS, Sault Ste-Marie (ON)
Francis H. Clergue PS, Sault Ste-Marie (ON)
Toronto French School, Toronto (ON)
École L’Odysée, Guelph (ON)
Ventura Park PS, Vaughan (ON)
École St-Joseph, Blind River (ON)photo groupe Mireille Messier médias
École Georges-Vanier, Elliot Lake (ON)

Thanks to you, my year is filled with wonder, smiles and inspiration. I’m so very glad you have given me the opportunity to share my love of stories and writing with you and I cherish my good fortune. Who knew writing for kids would be so much fun? Truthfully, I had an inkling, but I’m glad to confirm that it’s true!

I wish everyone a splendid, book-filled summer and look forward to doing more school visits come 2016-2017!