Forest of Reading Finalist!

Good news! My picture book “Pas de chevaux dans la maison: La vie audacieuse de l’artiste Rosa Bonheur” is a finalist for the 2024 Prix Peuplier award! This award is part of the Forest of Reading program, a wonderful initiative by the Ontario Library Association.
Young participants from across Canada will have until the spring to read the books selected in their chosen category (there are 10!) and will then vote for their favourite book. The winning books will be announced in May at Harbourfront in Toronto in what is sure to be a huge kidlit lovefest!
Interested in the Forest of Reading reading programs? There is still time to register your classroom! For more information about the program or to see the finalists in all the categories, go to the OLA website.
Bonne chance à tous les finalistes et bonne lecture!