Free Activity Sheets Now Available

Are you a teacher looking for themed activity sheets for your students?
Are you at home with your kids doing remote learning?

Yes? Perfect! I have a lot of FREE, downloadeable activity sheets, in French and in English for you!

The most recent is a brand new teacher’s guide to my picture book Nutcracker Night from the great team at Pajama Press! It focuses on the story of the Nutcracker but it also teaches how to use onomatopoeia (sound words) in a fun way to create and enrich your own stories.

Click here to access all my activity sheets! Have fun!


Trésor is a Finalist

Good news! Trésor, the French version of my picture book Treasure, is a finalist for the Prix AAOF de littérature jeunesse! What a great honour to be regnonized by my peers – the AAOF is the association of Franco-Ontarian authors – in this way. It is also the first time that a picture book is in the running for the prize. A rarity if there ever was one!
The winning book will be announced LIVE during the Ottawa Book Awards virtual ceremony on October 21st. This means that anyone anywhere can join to party, starting at 6pm. I hope you can make it.
Fingers crossed!

Un TRÉSOR de bonne nouvelle!

Bonne nouvelle! Mon album Trésor est finaliste pour le Prix AAOF de littérature jeunesse 2020! Et il est en très bonne compagnie avec les oeuvres des auteurs Franco-Ontariens Daniel Marchildon et Michèle Matteau. Quel honeur!

Le livre gagnant sera annoncé le mercredi 21 octobre lors de la cérémonie pour les Prix du livre de la Ville d’Ottawa. La soirée sera virtuelle – cela veut donc dire que nous pourrons TOUS y assister en direct! Chouette, n’est-ce pas?

Au plaisir d’y assister avec vous pour découvrir quels seront les livres à ajouter à votre liste de lectures incontournables pour l’automne!