2020 Virtual Book Fair

The current pandemic means staying home to flatten the curve. It also means no book fairs. But authors are passionate people – passionate about books and about sharing our craft. That’s why a group of authors has put together the Salon du livre virtuel (Virtual Book Fair).

About 50 French authors of all genres and illustrators will be presenting their works live, April 23-26 2020. I will be reading my picture book “Ma branche préférée” (French version of The Branch) on Saturday at 3pm.

Swing by with your little ones for a fun, free French activity! All you have to do is go to the Salon du livre virtuel’s Facebook page for the line up and to attend the live readings.

À bientôt j’espère!

Salon du livre virtuel 2020

Cette semaine, c’est le Salon du livre virtuel. Eh oui, faute de pouvoir avoir un salon du livre où on se rencontre en personne, des auteurs se sont regroupés pour créer un salon qui se déroulera, littéralement, dans nos salons! Hihihi!

Nous serons une cinquantaine d’auteurs (jeunesse et grand public) et illustrateurs à présenter en direct dès jeudi et ce jsuqu’à dimanche après-midi.

Moi, j’offirai une présentation en directe de mon album “Ma branche préférée” le samedi 25 avril à 15h. C’est gratuit et ça dure environ 30 minutes. J’y ferai la lecture de mon album et, si nous sommes chanceux, un de mes chats viendra peut-être nous faire un coucou! Si ça vous intéresse, passez m’écouter en vous rendant sur la page Facebook du Salon du livre virtuel.

Au plaisir! M.

Sergeant Billy WINS the Christopher Award!

I have a confession to make… I’ve often been a finalist for literary awards but I have never won. And that is fine. Being nominated truly IS an honour.

BUT… I am thrilled to announce that Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the goat who went to war has won (yes, WON!) the 2020 Christopher Award for best children’s book!

First presented in 1949, the Christopher Awards were established by Christopher founder Father James Keller to salute media that “affirm the highest values of the human spirit.” Their goal is to encourage men, women and children to pursue excellence in creative arenas that have the potential to influence a mass audience positively.

In these especially trying time, I am so honoured that Sergeant Billy’s story is being recognized for shining a light in young reader’s hearts.

Because of the pandemic, I was not be able to attend the awards ceremony that usually takes place in NYC in May. Nonetheless, I will cherish this recognition and am happy to abide by the Christopher Award motto: “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”. #blessed


Sergeant Billy Finalist for the 2020 Shining Willow Awards!

Good news! My historical picture book, Sergeant Billy: The true story of the goat who went to war is a finalist for the 2020 Saskatchewan Young Readers’ Shining Willow Awards.

The Shining Willows are for readers from JK to Grade 3. The young participants will be the ones to read the 10 selected books and then vote for their favourite. What an honour it would be to be picked by the very readers I write for! I have my fingers crossed.

Of course, the announcement of the winners won’t be for a very long time – not until May 2021. But it prospect of having hundreds of children discovering Billy and his fabulous true story (a story that starts and ends in Saskatchewan, no less) is very exciting!

To see the selected books in the Shining Willow category and for more information about the Willow Awards, click here!


Sergent Billy finaliste au prix littéraire Shining Willow 2020!

Bonne nouvelle! Mon album Sergeant Billy : The true story of the goat who went to war est finaliste pour le prix Shining Willow de la Saskatchewan. Ce prix des lecteurs offrent aux jeunes de la maternelle à la 3e année une sélection de dix albums qu’ils liront durant l’année scolaire 2020-2021. Puis, le printemps prochain, tous les participants voteront pour leur livre préféré.

Je suis particulièrement heureuse que Sergent Billy fasse partie de la sélection des Shining Willow car l’histoire de ma chèvre débute et se termine en Saskatchewan. Je suis donc vraiment contente que les jeunes de cette province aient la chance de découvrir cette histoire qui est vraiment la leur.

Pour voir la sélection des albums finalistes ou pour plus d’information au sujet des prix littéraire Willow, cliquez ici!