Presenting Fatima and the Clementine Thieves

IMG_20170613_095024 It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here!

My new picture book Fatima and the Clementine Thieves has arrived!

Fatima and the Clementine Thieves is the story of a young girl’s struggle to help save her family’s clementine orchard from mysterious clementine thieves. Based in Morocco, it’s a fable of collaboration and non-violence inspired by an African proverb.

imageMagnificently illustrate by the very talented Gabrielle Grimard, this story is sure to transport readers into a whimsical, citrus-scented land.

Fatima EN et FR livre et marionnettes



Fatima and the Clementine Thieves is now available both in French (Fatima et les voleurs de clémentines, Éditions de la Bagnole) and in English (Red Deer Press)!

The school presentations of this book will include a reading of the story, an activity with clementines (season permitting) and a discussion about proverbs or non-violent conflict resolution. I will also bring puppets of Fatima and her Grandfather!

Fatima and the Clementine Thieves

• Click here to watch the book trailer! (in French only)
• Click here for information about school presentations for this book!
* Click here to buy the book!

One morning, Fatima and her grandfather wake up to find their clementine orchard savagely ransacked. Who could be doing this? How can the culprits be stopped? A little girl faces and ENORMOUS problem. Luckily, Fatima has powerful friends: the spiders!

A wonderful story of friendship and collaboration with a Moroccan twist.

Written by Mireille Messier
Illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
Red Deer Press, 2017
32 pages in colour
4 & up
ISBN: 978-0-889955295

This book is also available in French! Fatima

Prizes and distinctions for Fatima

Shortlisted for the Ontario Librabry Association’s 2013 Tamarac Express Award!
Selected by Communication-Jeunesse as part of the best books of 2012 list!

Winner of the Prix jeunesse de l’Alliance française 2012!








2016-2017 School Visits

DAwTebfWAAM3sCVEvery year I have the great pleasure of visiting a number of schools to share my books and my love of reading and writing with thousands of students. This year I visited 47 schools across 3 provinces and met over 6000 students!

I’d like to take a moment to thank all the librarians, the teachers, the principals and, or course, the students, who made this possible. These visits are an unending source of inspiration for me and, I dare hope, might spark some budding authors into action.

A special thank you to… Continue reading

Visites scolaires 2016-2017

DAwTebfWAAM3sCVChaque année, j’ai le bonheur d’aller à la rencontre de mes lecteurs grâce à des visites scolaires. Ceci est toujours une source inépuisable d’inspiration. Cette année, j’ai eu la chance de me rendre dans 46 écoles de 3 provinces. Ceci représente plus de 6000 jeunes rencontrés – 6000 sourires, et, j’ose l’espérer, quelques étincelles qui sauront se transformer en une relève d’auteurs et de lecteurs!

Merci à tous les enseignants, les bibliotechniciens, les directeurs et, évidemment, à tous les élèves qui ont su m’accueillir et qui m’ont permis de faire rayonner mon amour de la lecture et de l’écriture.

Un merci tout particulier cette année aux écoles… Continue reading